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Warszawska Grupa Inwestycyjna Dom Maklerski SA

Warszawska Grupa Inwestycyjna Dom Maklerski SA
Business type: Services
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: Brak danych
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1999

Business services

Firm Rank: 0

Warszawska Grupa Inwestycyjna S.A. (WGI) has been operating on the financial services market since July 1999. It is Poland's largest financial institution in the non-banking sector. WGI is the holder of a brokerage house licence. Originally, the company offered FX market transactions. After a few years of operation, the company’s offer expanded to include FX advisory services. In the sixth year of its operation, Warszawska Grupa Inwestycyjna has made a business development breakthrough: new investment programmes have been launched, and a new subsidiary, WGI Financial, has been formed to develop a countrywide financial products’ sales network.

On September 28, 2004, Warszawska Grupa Inwestycyjna was granted by the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission a portfolio management licence (including financial instruments) and a licence for the keeping of financial instruments accounts and money accounts.

Address data

Street:Chłodna 51 (28 piętro)
Postal code:00-867
Phone: +48 22 528 31 00
Fax: +48 22 528 31 05


Contact person

Name and Surname: Edyta Woźniak
Phone: +48 22 528 31 00